Feeling comfortable with the uncomfortable nature of boredom

Imaginative play isn’t something I’ve ever lacked. From playing with a bucket full of Barbies to running around outside playing “grownups” with my cousins, my childhood was filled with imagination and a flair for the dramatic. It was a little more subdued through adolescence and then simmered through adulthood. It wasn’t until I had my son that I regained a love for imaginative play. I want my son to experience the same worlds I did – even though his world would include Hulk Smash and turning three times to become Venom and eat the fairies that Mum could see.

As most parents know, it can be hard not to provide a solution for your child’s boredom. It’s easy to find something for them to do. I’m learning the lesson of holding myself back from providing a list of solutions, but instead, allowing him the space to come up with his own games. Sometimes that means playing a character that waits in the car (egg chair) while he goes shopping in the backyard.

This whole experience as a parent has presented itself at an interesting time for me, some might say the perfect time. Recently, I purchased the audiobook of the Gene Keys and started their free beginner's course. Today, being a public holiday, I sat at the lake while my husband and son wandered off. I listened to the first of three days of contemplation, ‘Discover your Purpose’.

My purpose is Gene Key 1.6 - Entropy (shadow), Freshness (Gift), and Beauty (Siddhi). I listened to Richard explain Gene Key 1. He talked about the uncomfortable nature of boredom, and how we often see people face down in their devices. Constantly busying ourselves. I smiled as stillness is something I’ve valued a lot since becoming a mother and a business owner. It’s not something that comes by easily, but it’s a space that gives me so much peace. I smiled because I knew that I needed to practice enjoying the quiet. I smiled because I know I can sometimes be one of those people with my device in my hand as I scroll.

I thought to myself, ‘Be comfortable in stillness. Be comfortable with the void.’

A few months ago, I entered a rest cycle as a Manifestor. It’s not something that I’ve consciously observed wholly and completely. Now that it’s here and I’ve embraced it, I can see that previously I was caught in a cycle of constant creation, constant initiation, and constant busyness.

It’s taken me a few weeks in this space to feel comfortable in not knowing what’s next. Not creating with expectation but creating from joy.

Be comfortable with the uncomfortable nature of boredom. Feel the stillness. Be ok with the next step appearing when it’s time. Enjoy this moment for what it is. Do you see the fairies, too?

Jess Dixon

Jess Dixon is a soul-led business owner and 4/6 Emotional Manifestor. She believes in the power of balance, and honouring your energy. Whether that’s through your cycles and rhythms, soulful practices, or simply allowing space for stillness. She’s passionate about ensuring your business is held and supported in its evolution by a beautifully sustainable soul aligned business ecosystem.


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