Benefits of partnering with a virtual assistant

The benefits of outsourcing your business administration to a virtual assistant goes way beyond the material. The relationship formed between two business owners is one of trust, respect, and value. As business owners, both parties are invested in supporting your business to grow and succeed. 

But what are the benefits of outsourcing to a virtual assistant that help your business grow? 

Based on the casual hourly wage of an administrative assistant with the same level of experience as a virtual assistant, a business owner is looking at A$35/hr. On top of an hourly wage, an employer may be required to pay: 

  • Tax 

  • Superannuation 

  • Leave entitlements 

  • Insurance 

  • Equipment 

  • Office space 

  • Any training required 

The cost associated with hiring an employee can start to build up. If you're a small business owner who only requires a minimal amount of administrative support per week or month, the idea of a virtual assistant becomes enticing. The service fee of a virtual assistant covers all of the above plus their expertise. 

On average, virtual assistants have 10-15 years of experience in the administration industry before starting their businesses. They participate in regular upskilling, niching their business into an industry or specific program, as well as fine tuning the services they offer. Virtual assistants are the experts in their field, and this is why they will save you money in the long run. 

Having a professional manage your business administration, allows you time to focus on the bigger decision-making tasks in your business and the opportunity to start that project you have had to put on hold. In having more time, comes a renewed energy to innovate and grow. It releases stress and anxiety, especially if you find administration overwhelming and not your zone of genius. 

Depending on their area of expertise, a virtual assistant will help to organise your business administration, streamline processes, nurture your client and/or customer journeys, and ensure you never miss an important email, plus so much more. Your documentation will look and feel professional, those time-consuming tasks are taken care of, and a virtual assistant will become a sounding board for the small business owner they partner with. 

If a better work/life balance is something you've had sitting on the to-do list for a while, consider reaching out to a virtual assistant. Take 15-30 minutes to speak to them about how they can help you reach a more balanced lifestyle. You didn't start your business to work over weekends and into the evenings. 

Jess Dixon

Jess Dixon is a soul-led business owner and 4/6 Emotional Manifestor. She believes in the power of balance, and honouring your energy. Whether that’s through your cycles and rhythms, soulful practices, or simply allowing space for stillness. She’s passionate about ensuring your business is held and supported in its evolution by a beautifully sustainable soul aligned business ecosystem.

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